Paul R. Hales

Attorney at Law, St. Louis, Missouri, Paul R. Hales, Attorney at Law, LLC

Paul R. Hales, J.D. is widely recognized for his expert knowledge and ability to explain the HIPAA Rules clearly in plain language. Paul is an attorney licensed to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States and a graduate of Columbia University Law School with an international practice in HIPAA privacy and security. He is the author of all content in The HIPAA E-Tool®, an Internet-based, complete HIPAA compliance solution with separate editions for Covered Entities, Business Associates, Health Plans and Third Party Administrators.



AI, Health Care & HIPAA - New Compliance Challenges

The Problem Addressed by this Webinar: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming health care, drawing on vast resources of health information to reshape everything from diagnosis to treatment, payment, health care operations, research and much more.

Paul R. Hales
  • Time: 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT,
  • Duration: 90 Minutes
  • Price: ¤139.00
  • View Details



Email & Text Messages - How to Comply with HIPAA, CMS, and the TCPA

Despite misinformation peddled on the Internet, HIPAA Covered Entities (Health Care Providers and Health Plans) can use unencrypted email and text messaging to communicate with the individuals they serve. In fact, if individuals prefer unencrypted emails and texts, Covered Entities must agree.

Paul R. Hales
  • Time: 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT,
  • Duration: 90 Minutes
  • Price: ¤139.00
  • View Details

HIPAA Compliance for Smaller Health Care Providers

HIPAA Privacy, Security, Breach Notification and Enforcement Rules mandate compliance by Health Care Providers of all sizes - from one physician, dentist, optometrist, or licensed clinical social worker to the largest medical center.

  • Paul R. Hales
  • Recorded
  • Duration: 90 Minutes
  • Price: ¤225.00
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How to do a HIPAA Risk Analysis

This lesson is designed to enable your Organization to perform a complete Risk Analysis of all PHI it creates, receives, maintains or transmits in any format. You will understand and identify threats, vulnerabilities and risks to your organization's PHI wherever it is located.

  • Paul R. Hales
  • Recorded
  • Duration: 90 Minutes
  • Price: ¤179.00
  • View Details

New HIPAA Rules for Communicating with Patients by Unencrypted Email and Text Messages

This webinar focuses on HIPAA Rules for transmitting informational email and text messages to patients over an electronic communications network.

  • Paul R. Hales
  • Recorded
  • Duration: 90 Minutes
  • Price: ¤179.00
  • View Details

Get Ready For Your HIPAA Compliance Audit

The webinar will concentrate on topics that HHS has announced will be the focus of the first round of "desk audits". They reflect significant areas of non-compliance revealed in the 2012 pilot audits and HHS HIPAA violation investigations concluded by Resolution Agreements and Corrective Action Plans.

  • Paul R. Hales
  • Recorded
  • Duration: 90 Minutes
  • Price: ¤179.00
  • View Details